About Me, Rabecka Marie!

Friday, April 27, 2012

How Would You Voki?

So, since I am the self-proclaimed web surfer, I want to share a cool and exciting web resource I recently found. It’s called Voki, a free service that lets you create customized avatars and add voice to your Voki avatars (click here for web link). You create these avatars totally online and post your Voki to any blog, website, or profile.

When I first discovered this service I was blown away!  You see, I had been dreaming of ways to spice up my online student orientation and workshops. I tried YouTube videos, music, interactive PowerPoint games and so forth. However, I was looking for something more engaging and interactive, and I think this is it!

 A few short weeks ago I assigned a digital storytelling project to my “pretend students.” I wanted them to create a digital presentation about themselves as an introduction to their peers. I couldn’t help but think how cool it would have been to have my students to create their own avatars and record their introductions via Voki. It can still happen, but I wish I could have thought about this sooner J  

Equally important is Voki Classroom. This service allows teachers to create a unique online learning environment. Teachers develop Voki inspired assignments, and students can view and complete their Voki’s online. Voki Classroom allows for better lesson plan and student management. Each student is assigned a unique login, and teachers can view, grade, and share Voki assignments in one central location. Now the bad news is this service is NOT free, however on the flip side Voki Classroom is accessible at a very low cost (click here to check out prices). Still,  both students and teachers can utilize the free Voki avatar creator.

Overall, I couldn’t help but imagine how this could be used in the classroom. The Voki website provides a lesson plan database filled with ideas (click here for Voki Lesson Plans), but I am curious to know How would you Voki? In the meantime, scroll all the way down to the bottom of my blog to check out my Voki or click the web link below!

Rabecka's Voki

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I have the Audacity and Docs to prove it…

In the past couple of weeks, I have learned a lot about open source software and free web based software. Open source software is software which can be used, modified and improved by anyone and can be redistributed freely. Lately, I have fell in love with Audacity and Google Docs!

Audacity is a free audio editor and recorder. I recently used the program to shorten a track that was too long for one of my presentations, and I recorded narration with background music for a PowerPoint. As listed on the Audacity website, you can use the program to:

  • Record live audio.
  • Convert tapes and records into digital recordings or CDs.
  • Edit Ogg Vorbis, MP3, WAV or AIFF sound files.
  • Cut, copy, splice or mix sounds together.
  • Change the speed or pitch of a recording.
  • And more!
I    I was surprised at how easy it was to use. I completed the tutorial provided on the website and within minutes, I was editing a track! This is a great tool for digital storytelling projects.

Likewise, I have grown fond of Google Docs. To be honest, I wasn’t aware of the many tools Google has to offer. I mainly used Google to check my email, search the web and blog. However, Google Docs is a gem! Google Docs is an online word processor, spreadsheet and presentation editor that enables you and you to create, store and share documents online.

You can create new documents from scratch or upload existing documents, spreadsheets and presentations. What I love is that there is no software to download, and all your work is stored safely online and can be accessed from any computer. I simply login to my Google email account and ta-da!

I recently used Google Docs to create a help form for a curriculum webpage I am building. It was very easy to create and I see this being an excellent resource for students and educators. If you want to learn more about Google Docs, click here for a tutorial!

Overall, I’m kind of embarrassed that I didn’t know about these tools. The Internet is full of resources and I am always amazed at what I find. Are there any hidden web resources that you have found? If so, please share!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Feed Me Your Thoughts...Digital Storytelling Sample

Hello World,

Ok, so I am working on a curriculum web page that will feature a digital storytelling project that I plan to assign to my future students. This project will be geared towards college level students either in a student success or educational technology class.

I would like my students to create a  presentation about themselves using Microsoft PowerPoint, Apple Keynote, or Prezi. I call this a digital icebreaker. The presentations can be pretty informal and just a way to expose the students to technology and each other! My plan is to collect the student presentations and put them on a classroom blog.

Please click here to view my example presentation!

I have included links to my Wiki as well as classroom blog which are both under construction. I could really use some feedback! Tell me what you think!

Classroom Blog
Curriculum Wiki